1N4148 Logic Zener Diodes are small, high-speed switching diodes that are widely used in digital and analog circuits. They are designed to regulate the voltage across a circuit and maintain a constant voltage, regardless of changes in current. The diodes are constructed with a Zener junction, which allows them to function as voltage regulators. They are also capable of switching quickly between forward and reverse polarities, making them ideal for high-speed applications. Whether you’re building a digital or analog circuit, 1N4148 Logic Zener Diodes are a versatile and essential component for your project.
- Hermetically sealed leaded glass SOD27 (DO-35) package
- High switching speed: max. 4 ns
- General application
- Continuous reverse voltage: max. 100 V
- Repetitive peak reverse voltage: max. 100 V
- Repetitive peak forward current: max. 450 mA.
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